Reiki is a natural harmonization system (Japanese technique) who uses his hands as a tool for movement of the “Universal Energy” transmit it to the body of the person generating a feeling of well-being and peace.

Reiki is a Sanskrit word meaning REI, universal energy and KI, vital energy. It is a technique used to channel and transmit vital energy by laying hands, on the 7 main chakras, which is used to obtain peace and balance at all levels:

Physical: improvement in ailments, injuries, metabolism, etc.

Emotional: sentimental problems, aggressiveness, unhappiness, etc.

Mental: harmful habits, stress, insomnia, etc. Spiritual: harmony, peace, balance, etc.

Reiki acts in depth by going to the root of the physical or emotional problem, and allows the emotion or behavioral pattern that has created the imbalance , to manifest and be healed.

It also helps us to grow personally and expand our consciousness. Reiki therapy can be given to all humans (healthy adults, sick, pregnant women, children and babies), including animals and plants. Reiki is a complementary therapy, which is used alongside conventional medicine and psychological therapies and has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Reiki method is based on the Hindu belief about the Chakras, which would explain the health states of human beings. According to this belief, one or more deficient or blocked Chakras would cause or aggravate a poor health condition, thus bringing about diseases and disorders. The Reiki practitioner acts as a channeler of universal energy and seeks to re-harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your body that need to be healed. It has been officially recognized and recommended* by the World Health Organization (WHO) due to its positive results, For instance, a Reiki session before and/or after a surgery is highly recommended.

Reiki acts in depth by going to the root of the physical or emotional problem, and allows the emotion or behavioral pattern that has created the imbalance , to manifest and be healed.